University Staff Awards Ceremony

It was a joyful occasion at UoN’s manu chandaria auditorium on Monday morning during the University’s Staff Recognition Awards. The University Community gathered to recognize and award its outstanding staff and departments in terms of performance contracting, research and Innovation, long service, staff performance and special recognition awards.

The chief guest Chancellor Prof. Patrick Verkooijen focused his speech on the University reforms agenda. He sighted that the reforms agenda covers 8 key areas: strengthening governance, management, research and learning, eradicating debt, legal risks, optimizing our asset base transparently, enhancing core university services like housing and transport as well as mobilizing external resources.

prof. loise

Prof. Loise Gichuhi receives the Lecturer of the year award.


In his speech, Chairman of Council Prof. Amukowa Anangwe urged every member of staff to take their annual work plans seriously. He stressed that the work plans are not mere formalities but the building blocks of our collective success. They ensure that our individual efforts contribute to the attainment of the university’s strategic goals. He also said that the Management must also ensure that performance targets are realistic, focused, and aligned with available resources.

The vice Chancellor Prof. M. Hutchinson encouraged the university fraternity to view the awards as an opportunity for growth. She told them to reflect on their journey, identify areas of improvement and set new goals for the coming year. Prof. Hutchinson recognised the effort put by all cadres of staff to ensure success and urged them to sustain their efforts to continuously maintain good results.

Speaking at the occasion, the Ag. Chief Operations Officer, Mr. Brain Ouma was delighted to report that the University is on course in terms of rolling out the 5-point reforms agenda that sealed leakages and enabled the University to embark on the path that is fit-for-purpose, that the quest to world class university status can only be achieved through excellence in both teaching and non-teaching staff.

Gracing the event were the chief guest, Chancellor Prof. Patrick VerkooijenChairman of Council Prof. Amukowa Anagwe, Chief Operation Officer Mr. Brian Ouma, Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs prof. Gitau and others. 

Prof. Loise Gichuhi from the faculty of Education was awarded Lecturer of the year award while the department of Department of Educational Communication, Technology and Pedagogical Studies scooped the best teaching department and the overall performing department.