Doctor of Philosophy (Physical Education & Sport)



The philosophy of the programme is to designed and nurture high level research in physical education and health related academic scholarship.


The idea behind the course is to develop high level thinkers who are able to interpret different concept and research deeply about them. The sports industry requires personnel who can find a niche within the sports industry to explore new ways of performing and indulging in physical education, sports and health.

At the end of the programme, the student should be able to:

  • Explore the theoretical and applied knowledge of contemporary issues in Physical Education & Sport   research  .
  • Apply philosophy, principles and practice of Physical Education & Sport to research.
  • Conduct research independently at a high level of originality and quality. 
  • Continue to advance knowledge and its application in particular fields of study of Physical Education & Sport

Scheduled Intake

Any time a student is ready with a proposal he/she is able to register.

Application Information

Applications shall be submitted to the Admissions office through the University of Nairobi online application portal:

Contact for support person

  • Name:              Dr. Simon Munayi     
  • Telephone:      +254710207498
  • Email:   
  • The programme shall run for a minimum period of seven semesters   and a maximum period of 15 semesters of 15 weeks.
  • The programme shall be undertaken through coursework, examination and thesis.
  • The minimum course load shall be three course units and the maximum course load shall be four course units per semester.
  • Each course unit shall consist of 60 contact hours.
  • Students will be required to take all the six course units offered except where credit transfer has been permitted.
  • A student shall be required to take four core units in the first Semester and, two elective course units in the second Semester. Each elective unit shall be chosen from any one of three clusters.
  • A student shall develop a proposal in the second semester.
  • A candidate shall write a thesis equivalent to eight units


  • The minimum period of enrolment for a full-time candidate is two years and 4 years part time
  • The maximum period of enrolment for a full-time candidate is normally four years and 8 years part time
  • The Associate Dean – postgraduate Faculty of Education may extend this period

Mode of Delivery

  • Course is by research and thesis


Master degree from any of the sports related field of physical education and health.



Attachment Opportunities

  • This is for people already in the job market


  • Researcher
  • Lecturer
  • Consultant


   YEAR 1   YEAR 2   YEAR 3    TOTALS 
TUITION                 288,000.00                       288,000.00                  288,000.00                          864,000.00
ICT SERVICES - (PER YEAR)                     7,000.00                           7,000.00                      7,000.00                            21,000.00
THESIS EXAMINATION                               -                                        -                      50,000.00                            50,000.00
REGISTRATION (PER SEMESTER@2250)                     4,500.00                           4,500.00                      4,500.00                            13,500.00
ID CARD ( PER YEAR)                     1,000.00                           1,000.00                      1,000.00                              3,000.00
CAUTION - (ONCE)                     5,000.00                                      -                                   -                                5,000.00
MEDICAL FEE (PER YEAR)                     6,500.00                           6,500.00                      6,500.00                            19,500.00
ACTIVITY-( PER YEAR)                     2,000.00                           2,000.00                      2,000.00                              6,000.00
LIBRARY (PER YEAR)                     5,000.00                           5,000.00                      5,000.00                            15,000.00
STUDENT ORGANISATION(PER YEAR)                     1,000.00                           1,000.00                      1,000.00                              3,000.00
Grand totals        320,000.00             315,000.00         365,000.00            1,000,000.00