Moses Gitari
Moses Gitari, 29; is pursuing a Master of Education in Curriculum Studies at the School of Education, College of Education and External Studies. He also holds a Bachelor of Education in Linguistics and Literature. Moses is passionate about technology- more so assistive technologies that address challenges faced by people with disabilities. He has hopes to break stereotypes about disability, raise awareness of the problems facing visually-impaired people in Kenya and encourage greater participation by people with visual impairment in society.
In addition to his studies, Moses runs a tech blog GeeksModo: and also works as Freelance assistive technology instructor. Moses has also collaborated with Cash Reader- an International organization that has developed a mobile app that identifies banknotes and that is easy to use: the user points the camera at the banknote, and Cash Reader identifies it in real-time.
Moses lost his sight at the age of 17 and has had to overcome various challenges— not least of which is a culture of stigmatization surrounding disability in Kenya. Moses is convinced that assistive technology is one way of leveling the ground towards people with disabilities, and that his love for technology stems from its “suitability” for everyone. “It allows everyone to show their ability, capability and full potential, no matter who they are.”