The College of Education and External Studies Libraries.

The College of Education and External Studies has 4 libraries spread across 4 campuses i.e Kikuyu, Kenya Science, Mombasa and Kisumu. The Libraries are stocked with books in the field of education and allied areas.The Library provides services to both undergraduate and post graduate students as well as staff members at the College.
The Libraries offer the following services
- Lending of library resources
- Servicing inter-library loans
- Reading facility
- Assisted electronic literature searches
- Online search and e-mail services
- Photocopying services
- Printing services
- Training in E-resources
- Library orientation and user instruction
- Scanning and uploading local content in university repository
Library Online Resources
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday: 8am -10pm
Saturday: 8am -10pm
Sunday: 1pm-6pm
Public Holidays all libraries remain closed
James Akanga - Senior Librarian