Literature Review
Information theory was originated by communications engineers in telephone Laboratories (partly 1928, €hanon 1948), their interest being tone problems of how quickly and accurately one can send messages over not sq tel ephone ltnes . From thts expe i ment they devel oped the tnf°o ma— tton theor'y as a means of dt scusstng suchlike prob\ ems .
Informatt on theory Is an attempt to expl atn communtc att on In a precise mathemattc at Fashi on . It Is a mathemattc at tec hnt que f°or' mea.so r— Ing the ef'f'ect Oneness of stgn tr•ansmi sst on In a man made system . What
I s measur•ed Is the speed or economy wtth whtch stgn tnformatt on can be brought abowt (@ar•r'y 1 007} . It I s a u sef\1\ conct se means oF explatntng problem s of° c ommuntcatt on, perceptt on and motor• perf°ormance (Cr'a
1 967) . It involves the ef°f'tctency of encoding , transmi sston and decootng me ssages (Munn 1966) . It I s the r'ate of tnfor matt on tr ansmt ssion as a means oF me asur Ing sI<t\Is (Fttts & P osner 1 067) .
InI°ormatt on theory I s expr•e ssed In the Form of° a communtc att on model where man's behalf our I s conc eived to be an Information pr c›ces s—
Ing acttvtty (Robb 1 972,)
Seer glues a stmpt e ve st on , vtz .
A report of an experiment conducted at Matbew Moss Middle School, in Rochdall England, in 1982