Latest News & Announcements

REGISTRATION: 3rd Annual International Conference on Research and Innovation in Education

The College of Education and External Studies will host the 3rd Annual International Conference on Research and Innovation in Education on 14th and 15th October 2020. Due to the current corona virus pandemic, the conference will be virtual.

The theme of this year's conference is: “Collaborative and Problem Solving Based Teacher Education”

To participate in the conference: Register HERE. Registration will close on 30th September 2020


The 3rd Annual event hosted by the University of Nairobi in October each year. The week features over ten different conferences covering a diverse range of academic disciplines, one of which is bound to meet your interest and area of expertise. 

The conferences provide a forum to enable you to present your work, engage with your colleagues, and learn about the latest developments in your field. 

College of Education and External Studies Address to 1st Years 2020

You are invited to a virtual address by the Principal, College of Education and External Studies (CEES). The address shall be on Wednesday 2nd September 2020 at 9 am. Other University officials who shall address you include the Principal, Deputy Principal, Dean, Associate Deans, Director and Departmental Chairs among others.